Jen's Word Stew
A Melange of Words and Recipes

HTML and writing avoidance

I'm stuck.
I'm stuck at a point in my novel that's crucial to the momentum of the rest of the story. The ending is in place. The beginning is in place, edited and ready to go. The middle is fine and progresses at a good pace.
This is the post-climax.
I find I always get stuck at this place.
Maybe it's because I don't fight big enough battles in life. Oh, sure, I'm good at small battles. I can stand up for what I believe in at a civic meeting, I've organized communities for political events, I've fought tooth and nails for what my students needed or my son needs (not wants, but needs). But major conflict exhausts me. And writing major conflict exhausts me.
I always rush through those climax scenes. Getting the pacing right in those scenes just never seems right. They're over too quickly. My characters don't sustain the suspense. I don't sustain the suspense. I'll never be a scriptwriter for Alias or a Star Wars incarnation.
So, here I am at that post-climax point, post-climaxed.
And what does that have to do with HTML? Well... the blog has been a fun distraction. Getting frustrated over code, relearning how to shrink images and store pages, and all that fun stuff has eaten a good few hours during those past couple of days.
But my characters are sitting there post-climax.
I think I'll go play with some HTML.
What's Cooking? today... not much. I did make some amazing baked apples last night which I'll post as soon as I can figure out the recipe part, lol. More HTML fun!

5:06 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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