Jen's Word Stew
A Melange of Words and Recipes

Evaporated Milk

I just don't get it. That and Spam. Yes, and I'm sure there are lots of evaporated milk fans out there who can whip up cordon bleu cooking with a mere can of evaporated milk and little else but a few tree roots, but I can not count myself among them.

And for those who love Spam, more power to you.

Both of those foods are just not my thing, and this is being said by the Liverwurst Girl. So much for accounting for taste.

I had to use up a variety of odd leftovers tonight, and fat free evaporated milk seemed the right glue for binding my mixture of "stuff" into a cream-like sauce without the cream. Cream, however, isn't a sort of off-yellow color. That really detracts from the overall presentation, you know?

Well, at least the "stuff" tasted good, and I had good success making some apple oat bran muffins later this evening. I made them for company. Then I got on the computer and found out that the company wasn't coming. Okay. My family's going to "eat good" tomorrow.

Still haven't figured out how to get other web pages behind this one, so that I can link to recipes. Haven't figured it out because I haven't had time to play with it in two days. And today... well, I'm brain-dead, so it's going to have to wait for tomorrow, now that my schedule for tomorrow has changed a bit.
What's Cooking?
pasta with smoked salmon and vegetables in a definitely NON-cream sauce, fresh salad with parmesan peppercorn dressing and apple oat bran muffins - yes, Charity, more apples! And yes, I'll post tomorrow, lol...

9:34 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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