Jen's Word Stew
A Melange of Words and Recipes


This has been an interesting week.

Okay, so Fantasy Boy and I have been sick and that's been a drag, but since I *can't* do my regular stuff, I've had lots of time to play around with writing things and ideas - time that I don't usually give myself.

And darn it, writing beats it all in over cooking.

Not that cooking isn't wonderful, and your products are more readily (and often more enthusiastically) accepted, but writing is just so much fun.

And work.

But in a good way.

And it's just made me realize how much I miss writing on a regular basis and having more than 30 minutes to slog through in a day.

And I haven't even been tempted to do Sudoku.

So this foray into sloth and fog for a week has let me know that I have to arrange more time for writing whether I *think* I have the time or not.

Because any of us might get hit by a car tomorrow. And life should be about passion and joy, as much as economics, etc. allow.

So this weekend, Fantasy Boy and D are off on a scouting camp out through Sunday morning and instead of calling my usual crew and getting together for this or that, I think I'm going to spend some major quality time with my characters.

Okay, blah, blah, blah.

And thanks to Charity for reminding me what I was going through after I wrote my last entry. It got me off my duff, finally. ;-)

What's Cooking

Well, I have no idea, but I have to find something really filling for my men before sending them off to set up camp in the cold and dark tonight... any suggestions out there?
10:43 a.m. :: 4 comments so far ::
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