Jen's Word Stew
A Melange of Words and Recipes


No. Not that kind.

To do everything I need to do in any given day, I need lots of discipline. Starting with the alarm.

I can't just turn it off and roll over. Which really stinks now that the weather is finally turning cold. What I really must do is get my tuchus up and do whatever exercise I've set out for myself for the day, or it doesn't get done. And then I have to drink enough water and all that.

And so on. Do the house stuff, school the boy, write, cook, plan, work on finances, do my part-time thing, fit all my pieces together.

And yet, I find that when I do fit all my pieces together, things can come together the way they did this morning:

I got up. Did my 45 minutes of weight training (while drinking enough water, natch). Took my shower. Got in the car. Went to the farmer's market. Got the stuff we needed. Got coffee.

But here's the thing. I was so giddy from the exercise, water, farmer's market, coffee, that I talked BABY TALK to some sparrows along the way.


Guess that serotonin was flying from the discipline.

But I don't like baby talk.

Unless it's to the piggies. ;-)

What's Cooking

Big, fat NOTHING. Maybe that's why I'm grouchy tonight and not talking baby talk to any living creatures. Tomorrow The Gang comes over, though, so I'll have time for culinary adventures then.
8:05 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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