
Charity - 2005-11-05 08:15:44
LOL We have them here too, although I think they were worse last year, but then I was home for two months during the summer/fall and house-training a puppy, so maybe I just saw more of them. We can keep them mostly on the back deck although some sneak inside, along with the occasional Box Elder bug.
Fi - 2005-11-05 10:44:00
Your karma would never survive a trip down our way. Killing bugs is a national sport. Between the bushflies, blowflies, march flies, sandflies and mozzies we have no time un-bug-infested (if there is such a word). We are constantly annointing our bodies or our atmosphere with sprays or scratching the hell out of the bites. Send your bugs on down...maybe they like eating flies! (btw....we had a beetle infestation at one stage and managed to keep them outside by hanging a light in the duck pen at night. The beetles flew to the light and the ducks had beetle supper. Perhaps you need a duck!)
Miki - 2005-11-05 10:44:03
MOM! I'm home and I'm gonna call you right now!!
anno - 2005-11-05 20:30:23
Even we're getting them out here in the middle of nowhere. My favorite way to get rid of them is sucking them up with the shop vac. M. prefers squishing them and then flushing the remains down the toilet, but I hate the feel of crunching exoskeleton. Apparently they taste bitter because the dog won't eat them. Pray for frost.
Kim - 2005-11-07 10:35:35
One thing haven't seen here in Arizona! I could send you a few scorpians from our yard thought. I'm sure they would eat them! LOL.

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