
Jen of Jen's Word Stew - 2005-11-03 06:52:06
Gads! I have to proofread, especially when I'm posting this early. "Makeing??" Yikes.
anno - 2005-11-03 11:37:16
Lucky you, to have so many things you want to do! Fortunate family, who gains the benefits of your passions!
Suz - 2005-11-04 18:27:11
I am enjoying reading your Word Stew, and I especially liked this one. After reading "Try to sample your passions every day", I ate a double chocolate dream muffin top. mmmm Good advice! lol
Jen - 2005-11-05 07:17:07
That wasn't *exactly* what I meant, Suz, lol! I think I will have to try those muffin tops, though, lol!

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